Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This semester

I can't believe this semester is already winding down. I always feel a little frantic right before Thanksgiving break, because I know that right after Thanksgiving break, I have very little time before I'm taking finals/ turning in final projects. Especially because this year's biggest final for me is a 15-20 page paper for my ENGL 660 class. Yikes. At least my other classes seem fairly easy. A final project for educational technology, a non-comprehensive final exam for educational research and a normal 5-7 page paper of what I learned in educational philosophy.

All of this just makes me even more excited for next semester. After doing a quick intercession class, I just have two more classes (one is online) and the portfolio. Then I get a master's degree! :)

Now, I'm going to go back to work on my first four pages of that final paper for English, due next Monday. I have ... not very much so far. I'm just not sure where I want to go with the paper. My topic is alcoholism and the Drunken Indian stereotype within Sherman Alexie's novel Reservation Blues. Tricky, tricky. I think I will re-read the book and take careful notes now. Thank goodness it was a quick read!

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