Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some thoughts on subbing

So. I've been subbing now for a little over a month (making twice as much as I did as a janitor at Bramlage and working half as much!), and I've got some reflections.

1. There is power in learning a kid's name. If only ALL the teachers left seating charts...
2. Speaking of things ALL teachers should leave, I like teaching. So teachers should not leave movies, and teachers should DEFINITELY NOT leave a movie without a note-taking guide or questions to answer. Boring!!
3. Kids like it when you trust them (and leave them alone to do work at their pace), but they expect you to be strict with them when they break your trust. If you aren't, they lose all respect for you.
4. Talking with other teachers can be helpful... and it can be poison. Teachers can be productive and talk about actual solutions or reasons for problem kids, but they can be just the opposite and gossip and share "horror" stories.

That's all for now. I'm subbing as we speak, though a friend of mine is the student teacher and is in charge of all the lessons today. Then, during seminar sometime, we have a pep rally. Woot. (Not really... mass chaos.)

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