Friday, August 20, 2010

The First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day with kids. It went well, really, though I had planned WAY more than what we could do in the 27 minutes they had with me because of a shortened schedule and 1:00 release. Wow. Except 5th hour, which came at the end of the day and was normal length, due to lunch. I was glad to have that breather at the end of the day.

But I'm really impressed with the kids, for the most part. They were all really paying attention, even when we got to the boring rules stuff, and a few classes had kids that were asking questions too. Some chattering, of course, but what do you expect for the first day. I suppose I should probably make them raise their hands more. It's just not exactly my style... I'm more open. But I'd better hammer down, or it'll only get worse. :)

I'm already pushing things back a day, and I've realized I need a new system of keeping track of what day we're doing what. I have dates on everything that now need to be shifted one day. I guess I better start just labeling things "Day 1" and "Day 2" and so forth. It'll save me a lot of time.

I'm really impressed with my reading class, at least in their abilities to read out loud. I've only got 3, so we got to talk quite a bit in our 27 minutes; since they're all in my English classes, I didn't need to rehash the rules or syllabus. I gave them 3 books to choose from for the first unit, and they chose Night of the Twisters. I knew they would... Kansas kids. :) So today I think we'll read some newspaper stuff on this particular tornado that happened in Grand Island, Neb., that inspired the book, as well as ones around here.

I'm just so excited!

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