Friday, August 27, 2010

First Full Week... CHECK

Wow, I can't believe the week flew by that quickly. All my classes went through their diagnostic units, with some kids realizing that I mean it when I say the deadline. But I'm really enjoying how hard they are working so far. I can't wait to read all their essays this weekend! (I mean that seriously, fyi!)

Reminder to self: breathe...

With IEP meetings before school, volleyball practice and scrimmage yesterday, I am exhausted, but exhausted in such a happy way. Turns out I really do have a knack for this teaching thing. I feel great, and the kids all (all but a couple, anyway) seem to like and respect me and therefore work hard to impress/please me. I've been trying so hard to get the message across that they are in charge of how hard they work, and that I expect high quality out of them, and they're listening. Woo hoo!

After this morning's I've helped to set up the project of disassembling and reassembling a computer for a kid who often gets bored by the end of the day, and Brandon's going to meet him Tuesday to give him some pointers and extra information about what he's doing. I think it'll be good for both the kid and Brandon!

Happy as I am, I'm pumped for the weekend. Time on the Plaza at KC with Meghan (home for R&R from Afghanistan) and the family will be great!

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